Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chapter 2.7A - Shocking News

The next morning I woke up earlier than normal. I was not looking forward to the discussion we were going to have with our kids. I was about to break their hearts unintentionally. I made a pot of coffee and some grape and cream cheese crepes for everyone. After everyone ate, washed up, and got dressed Antonio and I called the kids into the living room.

"Come sit down, we need to talk." Antonio said.

  After they sat down I slowly started talking.

"You kids know I love you very much," I said and they nodded "There is no easy way for me to say this."

"It's ok mom. Whatever is going on you can tell us," Elena said.

"Well, I saw my doctor yesterday and he ran a lot of tests and came back with some shocking news. I have cancer in my brain and they cannot operate because of where it is located."

  Nobody said anything and then the kids began crying.

"This can't be right mom," Damon said "There must be some mistake."

"I'm sorry Damon," Antonio answered "But there is no mistake. I was there with your mom and saw the results myself."

"How long do we have?" Alexis said shakily, surprised to see her showing emotions.

"A month if we are lucky," I answered.

  I also explained to the kids that after my passing our lawyer would go through my will with them, same with Antonio's will when he passes.

"Also, your mother and I have a life savings that will go to you kids," Antonio added "and my leadersip in the mafia would be sold if none of you kids took the responsibility for it."

  After explaining everything we all hung out together and watched movies for the rest of the day.

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