Thursday, March 22, 2012

Chapter 8.2 - Party Time

 *2 Weeks Ago*

"Mum!! You will never guess what happened today!" Lexi said as she came running into the kitchen "Colton asked me to Prom!"

"That's great! This is the boy you have had a crush on, right?" I said with a grin.

"It sure is" Lexi said as Chase and Brielle came in "Chase tell mum who you asked."

"I asked Jolene and she said yes" Chase said with a smile

"Great!" I said "What about you Brielle? Who asked you?"

"No one mum, I am just going with my friends."

"Whatever," Chase and Lexi mumbled as they walked out of the kitchen. They were growing far apart from their sister and I hated seeing it. The way they were acting reminded me of how Gloria had just walked away when I needed her most.


  Prom was finally here and the triplets were very excited and they look fantastic!

  We took a lot of pictures before finally letting them climb in the limo and head off to their destination. We were pleasantly surprised when they all walked back into the house 1 minute before their curfew (which was never an issue with them.)

  Lexi and Chase had a fantastic time. Chase had worked up his courage and asked Jolene to be his girlfriend and they were inseparable all night. Lexi and Colton were named Prom King and Queen and they had become a couple as well! Unfortunately Brielle was very upset and she had a terrible time. She had asked her crush to dance and he had completely blown her off.

  Before I had a chance to talk to her my phone rang. i was very excited, Luca and I had won a two day vacation. It had been a long time since we had gone on a vacation by ourselves and it was long over due. The only thing that worried us was the triplets, they had never been left home alone before. They knew the rules but we added a few more. No drinking, no parties, and no trouble!

  The next day Brielle, Chase, and Lexi decided to throw a party anyways. They invited a bunch of their friends and then they all chipped in some money from their pay checks to rent some party equipment. they rented a DJ Booth, a Karaoke Machine, a Photo Booth, a bar, a dance floor, a magician, a DJ, a mixologist, and TONS of lights and special effect machines.

  Lexi and Colton even got a chance to be by themselves during the party and they watched the stars together.

  The party was epic and everyone left in great moods, plus the police weren't called so that made the party even better. The triplets returned all of the equipment and paid for the services and got the house cleaned before mum and dad got home. They didn't suspect anything, especially since Chase and lexi were at their usual places when they got back.

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