Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chapter 7.4 - Gone

  Our wedding went off without any problems and everything was just perfect. We decided to postpone our honeymoon since my parents had 3 doctors coming up the following week, so we had our own honeymoon in our room all weekend.

  The next day Luca came with us to my parents first appointment and after just a few tests their doctor said that they both needed to go over to the hospital to get some more thorough tests done but those results wouldn't be in for at least 2 days. So Luca and I waited on pins and needles for the next two days waiting for those results to come in.

  Less than 48 hours later the doctor called and told us that my parents would need to be admitted into the hospital that night for more tests and to undergo heart surgery. Mums coronary artery was 90% blocked and dad's was 93% blocked. They were both going to have stents put in in 4 days but they both needed to have Angioplasty's done the next morning. I stayed with my parents over the next few days even though Luca tried to get me to go home to get some rest and eat I refused to leave their side.

  As I was sitting next to my mum Wednesday night her heart monitor began to go off, beeping like crazy. As the doctors came rushing in my dad's machines began to go off. I began to freak out as Luca rushed to my side.

"Please, get her out of here," One of the doctors yelled to Luca, "Go to the waiting room, we will come get you!"

  15 minutes later one of the doctors came into the waiting room.

"Mrs Abruzzi," He said as I instantly got up, "I am so sorry, we did everything we could to revive your parents but they didn't make it through."

  Hearing this made me feel sick and I ended up passing out.

  When I woke up I was laying in a hospital bed with an IV hooked to my arm. Frantic I asked Luca what was going on as i tried to get up, pulling at the IV.

"No, please stay there," The doctor said as he came to the end of the bed.

"What is going on? First you tell me that my parents are gone and now I am laying in this bed?"

"Mrs Abruzzi we had to bring you in here because you passed out and we needed to make sure you didn't have a concussion. When was the last time you had anything to eat or drink?"

"I...I don't remember."

"Well, you have to have something. As soon as you eat and drink something and the color comes back to your skin you will be allowed to leave. I advise that you make an appointment with your regular doctor soon for a check up to make sure nothing is wrong."

  When we got home I immediately laid down, I couldn't believe what had happened today. Luca took Shiba for walk since I wanted to be left alone, I didn't want to talk or do anything at all. By the time they got home I was in bed.

  Two days later we buried my parents.

*Authors Note - I chose this song for this chapter because it is one of a few songs dedicated to my Nonno that passed away 6 years ago. I love you Nonno, RIP. *

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